Thursday, February 26, 2009

Information overload!!!

After going through all the stuff on SuperSuccessfullSecrets I have changed direction and I am not longer promoting Avery's least not for now. There is to much competition in that field and I am to inexperienced for that. So I went thru clickbank and decided to start small. So not I am gotten together articles on the product and am not setting up the articles on free websites and going to sites like and signing up. The worst part is all the details to this stuff. Every time I turn around to do something I have to get this program or google this to find out what it is. Man thank God for Google!!!

On a side note I have been looking at Google analytics and have notice some of you are returning to the site to see what is up. If you would, I have set the site to except comments. So please do. Do you know about RSS feeds and how they can let you know when there is an update. LOL......just found that out myself. Just spreading the knowledge. That its for right now. There is so much info to go thru cant possible write it all down. Downloading Dragon Speaking as I am writing this down. That will make blogging so much easier. Tata.......................

Monday, February 16, 2009

First step complete!

Ok.....Just completed my first step. I decided after already reviewing Armand Morin stuff to do a little more research and I found this kid named Avery Berman who started when he was 13 years old and was selling Sims online money on ebay.

Went and did a little google search on the guy and found all kinds of stuff about him. He has several blogs that look like he may have abandoned or moved on. Seems he just might be linking himself all over the net. So anyway read the stuff on his site SuperSuccessfulSecrets and signed up and got on his list. Then downloaded his free report. Was surprised at how informative it was.

Then after reviewing some of the stuff on his blogs......turns out his is a student of Armand Morin. Go figure. Back where I started. So anyway I got signed up to use SuperSuccessfulSecrets product and set up a blog review of it. Couple things I did, added google analytics html code to this blog and the new one, and added google adsence to each site, and even made my own header graphic for this blog and the review site. Here it is:

Avery Berman's "SuperSuccessfullSecrets" review

Next step is to right an article about Avery Berman's product and set it up on a couple of a fore mentions article sites. OK

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quest for financial sovereignty

My Quest for Financial Sovereignty. Sounds like a big name for what I'm about to do. The Dictionary says "the right to self-government without interference from outside".

Personally I am on a mission to never work for anybody again. Working for a boss is overrated. You can't depend on anybody but yourself .
Unfortunately I have been working for the same employer for over twenty years. I became unemployed as of January 4, 2009. When I started with this company I saw so much potential, then over the years I've come to realize that this place will never succeed to my expectations . But of course the only one responsible for me is myself. You can't depend on promises from other people. Over the years I've realized that people you've looked up to can and often do disappoint you.

So after spending a month looking for a job in this dismal economy realizing that what I do for a living has such a small market , and the fact that I am getting older, I and don't want the to do the things I used to do when I was younger . Basically because of the fact that I should have kept it as a hobby and not a career .

So after a twenty some odd years here I am with limited job prospects , the economy totally sucks , and between my house, our cars, auto loans , my son's student loans and credit card debt and what little was left of our 401K . We are somewhere around $120,000.00 in debt. Doesn't seem to bad but at age 46 it's not where I want to be, excuse me I will be 47 tomorrow.

So getting back to the quest . I've been doing a lot of reading on Internet marketing. reading a lot of the material online the eZine web site. I got some info from a guy by the name of Armand Morin, who I was told is the Ultimate guru . Very in depth stuff maybe a little over my head for right now. I have been latching on to some of the concepts I am going to start small . For starters I wanna use this blog to gauge my progress'. So for starters here are my goals.

1. Spend absolutely no money at the start. Because I don't have any.
2. Start another blog to use as a review for a product on Clickbank and link to it .
3. Write an article about the product and use to promote it and link to it.
a. eZine
b. GoArticles
c. Article dashboard
d. Webmasters library
e. Associatedcontent
3. Rinse and repeat

At this point "IF" I have made any money I will plan on purchasing someones "Internet marketing plan" product and doing a complete review and promotion of its contents on this blog and see what it has to offer. Suggestions are welcome. After doing some research about Internet marketing plans there seems to be some commonalities as to how to start.

4. Coming up with my own *Edit out name of my Plan to reveal at a later Date*(Wow I just came up with that name) plan teaching the very basics *Edit another name to reveal later*. (there's another name, I'm on a roll)

Since the very first time I stepped onto a computer I have been absolutely fascinated with everything that I can get my hands on short of program programming that's just boring.

The one thing I've noticed with a lot of people and their relationships with their computers is that they're often scared of them. a lot of people don't understand basic simple things for examples starting this blog some people would find very difficult . Some people would have absolutely no idea how to for example to how to create a webpage using html despite the fact they even have a program right on their computer they got with Microsoft office called FrontPage Express. And then taking a next step in using FTP to send the webpage to a server . Lot of people have absolutely no idea how to use Photoshop or Gimp (which is a free program) to create graphics and banners.

So more thoughts to come I am going to get started..............
Step one - select a Clickbank product and use a blog to review it.